Friday, 28 October 2016

How to Find the Conversion Drivers of Your Website with the Funnel Report

There may be a lot of unanswered questions you have about some the big-picture questions with your website. Perhaps you're asking:

Do demo requests or signups lead to more paying customers?

Does that product video lead to more signups?

Does the self-service onboarding plan lead to more customers?

Does offering a buy one, get one sale increase purchases?

In cases like this, there are options that a visitor can take to reach conversion. But, it's often difficult for marketers to know which one has a better effect on the funnel.

The Kissmetrics Funnel Report answers these questions. Here's how.

Finding the Biggest Conversion Drivers on Your Site

The traditional SaaS Funnel looks something like this:

  • Visited site

  • Signed up for a trial

  • Used product

  • Upgraded to paying

But what if a visitor could sign up or schedule a demo before using the product? The only solution to knowing which one converts better would be to create two separate funnels and compare the results. That is, until now.

The Kissmetrics Funnel Report allows you to add and/or statements in a step. So our hypothetical funnel could look like this:

  • Visited site

  • Signed up for a trial or Scheduled demo

  • Used product

  • Upgraded to paying

Here's how to set that funnel up, and how to view the results:

View the Funnel Results

I'm not going to bore you with the details of setting up a Funnel Report. We've covered it before here and here. As long as you have your events and properties set up, creating a Funnel Report is as easy as putting shoes on. Let's get straight into the results.

We'll first look at the people that signed up:


And scheduled a demo:


Notice a difference?

Looks like signups drive significantly more product usage and customers (54 compared to 0). If this was your data, you'd know you should remove demo requests from the website so 100% of users go straight to signing up.

What's Holding Back Your Marketing Site?

How many elements are on your website, seemingly harmless but actually detracting people from signing up or converting? They're there, but you don't know how they're affecting the rest of your funnel.

Using the Or statements (like we did) in the Funnel Report is a great way to find the best performing elements on your site. Best of all, you don't need to run an A/B test. All this data is already in Kissmetrics, and as long as you've been tracking it, you can see the performance.

Happy optimizing!

About the Author: Zach Bulygo (Twitter) is the Blog Manager for Kissmetrics.

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