Friday 5 August 2016

5 Ways Sports Give You a Jump Start in Business

By Dayne Williams

There are plenty of movies, books, and real-life stories out there about athletes who take themselves-and their teams-to legendary success on the field. We idolize these champions for the hard work, focus, and discipline they possess in their sports, but what happens after the glory?

Many athletes move on after years of playing sports, but that doesn't mean they can't find success in another field. As a former football player from Florida State University, and now CEO of my own company, I can attest that what you learn from being an athlete translates to whatever career you choose, and none more than business.

Here are five ways playing a sport can help you find success in business:

1. You know what being on a team actually means.

I always say that playing football was my MBA. It taught me that I could accomplish more than I ever thought possible, and molded me into the person I am today. By playing football, I learned focus, discipline, toughness, and competitiveness. All these traits have carried over into business, but I think the main thing that I took away from football was how to be a part of a great team.

Teamwork is essential in football, and it's even more so in business. It's not about your success–it's about the team's success. Each member has to play his or her part, and you have to know that you can rely on your team and they have to be able to rely on you.

2. You can be incredibly talented and still fail.

There are two ways people with natural abilities develop their talents, and in sports this translates to the two types of “super athletes.”

The athletes in the first group have incredible natural talent and do not have to invest the same amount of work as their peers to accomplish greatness in their sport. Typically they focus solely on their strengths and do little to develop their weaknesses. These athletes, however, will struggle when they make the transition into the business world since they do not have the foundation to develop the skills necessary to be successful off the field.

Athletes in the second group have an innate talent with a burning desire to be the best in their sport. They will outwork everyone around them and develop every aspect of their game. These athletes will transition very easily into the business world and become key players very quickly.

3. You look beyond just talent to see the value in other qualities.

On the other side of the coin, you can still find success as an athlete even if you're not the star player. “Super talent” is only a small part of the whole equation-there is so much more involved in playing a sport that translates well into the business world.

Being an average athlete doesn't mean you don't have valuable qualities like determination, focus, leadership, and the ability to work on a team. In fact, if you're not a star player, a lot of what you're doing is supporting your team and bringing people together so that everyone achieves success.

4. You can handle anything, from doubt to pressure, success to failure.

Many employers seek to hire former athletes because they realize the dedication and perseverance it takes to compete at a high level in sports. Former athletes go into business knowing how to stay calm under pressure and how to make critical decisions that are timely; they're also able to adapt to industry changes, and they have a greater understanding of teamwork.

5. You know what it takes to be a true leader.

Any opportunity to learn how to be part of a team or having leadership experience is essential to succeeding in any career. There are four things in particular that playing a sport really shows an employer you can do:

  1. You are able to overcome extreme challenges and to find ways to compete and execute a plan under any circumstance.

  2. You are able to build lasting relationships. On any sports team, you can't find success unless you're able to work with each and every player.

  3. You have the discipline to prepare your body and mind to perform at the highest level.

  4. You have strong self-awareness. You're able to recognize your weaknesses and will make sure you have a plan to work on them in order to improve your game–you will be a goal-orientated employee!

Competing on the athletic field requires an incredible amount of work–and it requires a lot of work to succeed in business. For both you have to know how to make key decisions at a moment's notice, be able to position your team so that you're utilizing its strength to produce the optimal outcome, and be fully self aware and focused on the end goal.

About the Author

Post by: Dayne Williams

Dayne Williams is the CEO of PlanSource, a technology company driven to create a better benefits and HR experience for employers and their employees by offering flexible and intuitive software for benefits administration, insurance exchanges, and human capital management.

Company: PlanSource


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